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Selena Gomez dazzles on the red carpet at the 22nd Annual MuchMusic Video Awards at the MuchMusic HQ in Toronto on June 19, 2011

The teen sensation’s bad eating habits landed her in the hospital this past June for malnutrition. “I do eat, the problem is I don’t eat right. I love everything that’s possibly not good for me,” Selena has said.
Unfortunately it took a trip to the hospital to wake her up and realize junk food doesn’t do a body good. Selena admits eating veggies used to mean they were covered in cheese or creamed before she would eat them. So, not right!
Selena’s not alone – United States teens are eating poorly and getting fat! 17 percent of children and teens aged 2 – 19 are obese.
Teens (and parents) read on – there’s no need to feed yourself junk. Get educated and your body will thank you tomorrow.
Emmy-award winning TV doc, Dr. Mehmet Oz, founded HealthCorps, an organization dedicated to fighting child obesity. HealthCorps recently launched, teenDailyStrength, an online community for 13 to 19 year olds looking for health-related information. “Most of today’s online health content focuses on adult rather than teen issues. Teens need a dedicated place of their own,” states Dr. Oz.
“Teens need to know how to eat in a nutritious way. As they’re still growing, it is critical they receive the nutrients they need to build bodies that will last a long time and function at their best,” reveals the experts at HealthCorps.
Parents also need to jump on a healthier program. “Many parents aren’t preparing or eating in healthy ways themselves, so teens don’t tend to worry about the consequences of lack of exercise or the over reliance on meals from a dollar menu,”

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